How to Address Native American Issues as a Non-Native: A Resource for Allies

It’s Time to Change the Current Story About Native Americans in This Country

What story do you have in your head about Native Americans? When was the last time you thought about the lives and experiences of the Native Americans all around you?

Learn about the true story about Native Americans and how to become an ally by downloading our FREE guide.

How to Address Native American Issues as a Non-Native: A Resource for Allies

In this resource you can expect to learn about:

  • The real story behind common misconceptions about Native Americans
  • Understanding and addressing Native American issues
  • How to be an ally for change
  • And much more
Resource Cover Image: How to Address Native American Issues as a Non-Native

A Resource for Allies


Native American History, Life, and Culture

The story of the North American indigenous peoples is a story of loss, hardship, violence, betrayal, and misappropriation. It is also a story of community, spirituality, diversity, honor, and resilience. Few history books capture the beauty and complexity of indigenous life and rich Native American history in North America before the arrival of European settlers. None of them can adequately trace the life, religious practices, and customs of the more than 600 unique tribes that lived above the Rio Grande Valley before the 15th century. Keep reading for more in our Reflecting on our Foundations.

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